

Sahabat Pertama

Namanya Gita Puspita Maheswari. Keluarganya memanggilnya Mbak Ita, karena ia cucu pertama (kalau tidak salah). Ada pula yang memanggilnya Ita. Aku memilih memanggilnya "Git". Kami berteman sejak Taman Kanak-Kanak. Pertemanan yang sempurna, dihiasi berbagai rasa. Kadang suka, senang, sebal, cemburu, berantem. Kami tak selalu bersama. Perbedaan kelas dan akhirnya perbedaan sekolah sedikit banyak mempengaruhi intensitas kebersamaan kami. Hingga tanpa disadari, kami pun semakin berjarak.
Sewaktu masih di bangku taman kanak-kanak, seingatku kami hanya saling mengenal, belum berteman dekat. Setelah masuk ke sekolah dasar yang sama, barulah kami mulai intens bermain dan segala dinamika pertemanan kami kecap bersama. Kami pernah ada di kelas yang sama, pernah les pelajaran bersama di rumah nenek Gita. Orang tua dan keluarga kami pun saling mengenal. Maklum kami tinggal di kota kecil dan jarak antara rumah nenek Gita dengan rumahku tak sampai 2 kilometer.
Hingga kelas satu SMP kami terus bersama. Ia sering main ke rumahku dan aku sering berada di rumah neneknya. Kerap aku menjemputnya di rumah neneknya saat akan pergi sekolah dan ia kerap marah-marah, karena kebiasaan terlambatku. Kadang dia manyun dan mendiamkan aku sepanjang jalan karena kesal, kadang kami mengobrol dan kadang kami jalan sendiri-sendiri asik dengan lamunan masing-masing. Naik ke kelas dua, kami tak lagi sekelas, aku menemukan teman-teman baru, demikian pula Gita. Kami semakin menjauh meski masih saling menyapa.
Waktu terus berjalan dan kami masuk SMA yang berbeda. Sayup-sayup, masih ku dengar kabarnya hingga kami sama-sama di bangku kuliah dan ada di kota yang berbeda. Aku pernah mendengar ia dekat dengan seorang teman yang sama-sama kami kenal sejak taman kanak-kanak sebelum seseorang memberitahuku bahwa ia jatuh sakit.
Dan inilah "perjumpaan"-ku yang terakhir dengannya, setelah bertahun-tahun..
Sore itu angin berhembus sepoi-sepoi saat aku menghadapi pemandangan bukit berwarna hijau dan hamparan rumput. Tekadku bulat menemuimu Git dan aku berbisik, "Git, aku dateng.." Untuk beberapa saat aku merasakan sapuan angin lembut mengusap pundakku sewaktu aku memandang pusaramu (mungkin angin itu kamu?) .. dan aku hanya mampu berkata-kata tanpa suara. "Selamat beristirahat Git.. Aku tahu kamu ada, meski aku tak bisa lagi melihatmu. Terima kasih sudah menjadi sahabat pertamaku.."

Gita Puspita Maheswari (1983 - 2003)



In Memoriam Vikky Bintangsyah

Taufik Banua Bintangsyah

November 13th (34 years ago) - April 8th 2010

That afternoon rain was falling down, when i received an sms which told me that Vikky, one of radio announcer in Ninetyniners Bandung passed away. It was on April, 8th 2010. Suddenly, i can't say a word. It's the answer.. after i was waiting for him to come up at his show. Now i know, i won't be able to hear his voice in the air. Not anymore..

I asked my best friend to turn on the radio for me. And in silence i was hearing the announcers updating news about Vikky. Yes.. Vikky passed away and they're playing songs for him. Songs that make the blue afternoon felt so cold. Chrisye - Kala Surya Tenggelam, Peterpan - Tak Ada yang Abadi, 7 Kurcaci - Kembali, Incubus - I Miss You were the songs i remember.

I never knew him well. But somehow i feel that he's a good man. Vikky is one of my favorite announcer while i was in college (around 2001 until 2006). With Noni and Brutus, he ran a morning show, called "Funky in The Morning". It was fantastic! And i enjoyed it very much.

After graduated, i seldom listen to the radio and by that time Vikky didn't run the morning show anymore, because his two friends resigned from the radio.
Later i know that a friend of mine is his brother, and once in a life time i saw him. But at that time he's not in a good condition. Since 2008 Vikky got trouble with his health. He was sent to the hospital because of trouble in digest system.

After that, for a while his life back to normal. He made a new programme in the radio where he used to work in. But it's not long lasting. While i was listening to the radio which keep updating news about Vikky, i knew that he just showed up at his programme few times, because of his health. And at his last visit to the office, he's talking much with friends.. and that became his last words and moment in Ninetyniners.

On February his health getting worse and on April he was taken to the hospital. He stayed for two weeks and finally God called him on April 8th 2010 at 03.35 pm. Vikky passed away because of lymphoma, brain haemorrhage and meningitis. Vikky passed away on the day when his friends held charity event for him and his beloved wife.

That night.. I kept listening to the radio. So many sms from the listeners.. They want to send their deepest condolences to Vikky's family. And many stories from his friends were told on air.. about his goodness, about his hobby to visit many school around Bandung just to buy some school's food, his eating hobby and how he liked to bring chicken noodles from Antapani for his friends, his journey with 7 Kurcaci, and his opinion about Indie Band.

That was a long day.. Remembering a man whom i met and shaking hand once in my life time.

Vikky's funeral was held on Friday, the day after God called him. He was taken to Leles, Garut, to a family's cemetery. I kept listening to the radio that morning. And the radio crew told us that the funeral was finished on schedule.

I think everybody who knows him will continue sending their pray, hope God will give the very best things for Vikky.

Personally, his first and last words for me is.. "Ati-Ati!" He was saying that truly while looked at me in the eye.. Simple.. But until today, i still remember.. At that time he was standing in front of the house, accompanied me who was in a very messy condition, then he said those words.

Rest in peace Radio Star ..
A Star will always be a star, in heart, in mind, and high up above..

Few songs that continue playing for Vikky - some were requested by his closest friends on the day Vikky passed away..

Tanpa terasa. Kini kau telah tiada. Membawa semua kenangan di saat kita bersama. Andai bisa ku berjumpa untuk kembali tertawa. Tapi semua tak mungkin, karena kau tak kan kembali.. Ingin kembali.. jangan kau pergi.. (7 Kurcaci - Kembali)

You have only been gone ten days, But already I'm wasting away. I know I'll see you again. Whether far or soon. But I need you to know that I care, And I miss you.. (Incubus - I Miss You)

Remembering, everything, about my world and when you came. Wondering, the change you'd bring, means nothing else would be the same.Did you know, what you were doing, did you know. Did you know how you would move me well, I don't really think so.. (Mae - We're so Far Away)

Di sini sendiri jauh darimu. Ku lewati, malam sepi memuja. Tanpamu ku rasakan mati, tak seperti saat kau di sisi. Ku merindukanmu.. (Minoru - Merindukanmu)